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5313 Creating Significant Learning Environments

Please, view my revised growth mindset plan and final compilation post for 5313 Creating Significant Learning Environments (CSLE) where I synthesize my learning within this course and compile an organized approach to how students can utilize a growth mindset to learn in their everyday environment. 

*Please note there are two separate links within the title for the plan and compilation. 


Please, view my UbD using Wiggins & McTighe's design to create a thorough course outlook on digital literacy for Kindergarten through third-grade students. 

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Please, view my backward design using Fink's self-directed guide to create a thorough course outlook on digital literacy for Kindergarten through third-grade students. 

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Please, view my outline and discussion  on my beliefs and practices about learning by clicking the title: My Learning Philosophy.


New Culture of Learning

My response to "A New Culture of Learning" and my outline of how I will move toward creating significant learning environments in 5313.

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